Blog. It's a funny word - right?
But here I am. Trying my hand. Putting my thoughts down on the inter-webs.
So many times, I have thoughts that I think would make a really great, but super long Facebook post.
...You guys do that, right?? Where you're driving and you're thinking and you're like...
"I should TOTES write that on Facebook - then all of my Facebook friends will think I am SOOOO smart!"
...Or am I the only one...
Either way, blogging is today's version of a public diary... a place to articulate thoughts. To share concerns. To encourage and to connect.
And that's where I'm at. Somewhere between Facebook and a real book.
I hope my (sometimes crazy) ramblings don't scare you away.
I hope they make you lean in closer.
Because I want to hear your voice too.
I want to know what makes you sad,
what brings you joy,
what makes you scared,
what has helped you get past that hurdle you were struggling with.
I want to know you.
Because then, and only then, can an online conversation begin to be authentic.
There's no hiding behind a screen here.
... I mean...
These are all important words to me.
So, yay!
Let the fun begin!!